The Bachner Family
Friday, April 07, 2006

The end of a hard day!

Mrs. Ferland and Anthony at his Book Reading.

And the agony of defeat.

Anthony climbing Jacob's Ladder.

Marisol and Anthony with the English King at the Rennaisance Festival.

The dedication/rememberance table. Various shots of my Grandmother Rose and my father Ron.

Group Shot!

Aunt Magie and Betty.

Great Aunt Barbara and Mom. Twins!

Uncle Michael & Aunt Carrie.

Betty and I.

Cousin Jamie & Mom with the guest of honor.

Aunt Carrie and Rose.

Rose at her Christening.

Hagen (Anthony & Marisol's cousin), Anthony Pastor Adam, and Marisol.

Me and Rose and Tivo (on the hat). She needs early introductions to the things that matter.

My mom with Rose.

Rose throwin' up signs.

E holding Rose. He was so nervous, he was shaking.

JB holding Rose when she was first born.

Here is a smiling Rose. How I see her all day long.

My Photo
Location: Margate, Florida, United States

I'm from Thailand. I'm a dad. I like Star Wars. I play WoW. I'm in Triphop Clan for life.

January 2006 / April 2006 / July 2006 / November 2006 / January 2007 /